Release 35

-New content

Robot character is now available look arround the snowy forest (top left of the map)

Apparences for fox (#18,19 Based on sylveon)


Milking room, Cum counter, and Virtual interface are now robot reward items

Made it so the fox passive skill doesn't scale with TECH

Increased druaga initial TECH from 0 to 80

Got day n night color change back in

-Hotfix 1

-New content

Now you can see an egg on the internal view it will grow along with the pregnancy process

This can be toggled using the "Egg glasses" item

Added robot mark item

Added heat room item

Now you can swap characters between rooms


Fixed robot spawning just by standing on snow forest

Fixed bug that made it so if you restarted the game characters could be impregnated again even if they were already pregnant


Corrected robot pregnancy line

Corrected robot food prefferences

Files 20 MB
Jan 29, 2023 24 MB
Jan 29, 2023

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I found a bug.

if you press space during sex it speeds it up, but then during the cum scene, the sprites fucked up and I wasn't actually ejaculating.

Not sure if it had to do with the 50k health I had or the one up, but something broke.

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lol. Couldnt be me.

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N O.

Deleted 2 years ago
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